Certified Death Doula

Laura Silver

As a Death Doula and compassionate care advocate in Calgary, I have always felt a sense of peace and purpose in being present as someone travels out of this life and into the beyond. I spent nearly two decades working on system-level healthcare delivery. Still, I kept returning to the idea of having a career or calling that simply allowed me to be present for and compassionate towards other human beings. Being a Death Doula fulfills my lifelong desire to do meaningful work.

Overcoming Obstacles

From Healthcare to Personal Care

In my professional journey, I was often frustrated by the impersonal nature of large-scale healthcare policy projects. The lack of visible impact on individuals who needed help the most left me seeking more meaningful work. This frustration, coupled with my belief in the importance of compassionate care at end-of-life, motivated me to become a Death Doula. I believe in the power of bringing dignity, solace, and beauty to the dying process. This belief is not just professional; it’s deeply personal.


  • Certified Death Doula
  • Compassionate Care Certificate
  • MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying) Certificate
  • Certificate in Medical Cannabis
A man dying in a hospital bed surrounded by family
Guiding Principles

Advocating for a “Good Death”

Since becoming a certified Death Doula in March 2023, I have been privileged to support numerous individuals and families through their end-of-life journeys. My practice is not just a business; it’s a calling. I am driven by the belief that everyone deserves to experience a good death – whatever that means for them. I aspire to be “Your Community Death Doula” – a trusted presence known for helping families navigate this sacred transition.

A Personal Approach to End-of-Life Care

Each family I have worked with has reinforced my belief that death, an integral part of our human experience, can be approached with grace and love. From providing end-of-life planning to being a comforting presence at a bedside vigil, my approach is always guided by the wishes and needs of the person who is dying. I’m here to ensure that their final chapter is written with the same respect and care that their life story deserves.

Laura Silver sitting in a chair

Honouring Life’s Final Transition

Being a Death Doula is more than a profession to me; it’s a commitment to honour the sacredness of life’s final transition. I am here to support, guide, and walk with you and your loved ones through this journey, ensuring it’s met with the dignity, respect, and love it deserves.